
Friday, July 1, 2016

summer days and blanket forts

Hello, everyone! Today I was just catching up on some reading when Lanie burst into my room.

"May! I just got the best idea ever!" she exclaimed. 
"What is it?" I asked, curious. 
"We should have a movie night!" 

"That's a great idea! We should build a blanket fort too!" 
"Don't forget snacks!" Lanie said, smiling. 

I got up and went to go find an extra blanket while Lanie grabbed some snacks. 

I returned moments later with a soft red blanket under my arm. 
"Found another blanket!" I said. 

"Great! I have a bowl of nuts." Lanie said. She walked over to my bed and grabbed the green blanket. 

"Let's build this fort!" she said excitedly. 

Lanie started arranging the blanket so that it draped over the bed. 

Once she was finished I started adjusting the red blanket. 

Soon our fort was finished! 
"Let's climb in!" I said. 

"What movie do you want to watch?" Lanie asked, pulling up Netflix. 

We decided on Beauty and the Beast. (BE OUR GUEST, BE OUR GUEST, PUT OUR SERVICE TO THE TEST!) It's one of my favorite Disney movies! :) 

I had a wonderful afternoon with my sister. What did you do this fine summer day? :D


Hello! Gosh, it's been a long time since I've posted something. Now that it's (finally) summer I have a ton of free time (except when I go off to camp, but that's later this month.) I really REALLY want to be more active on my blog, and I have a lot of great ideas for this summer! 

xx Charlotte 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

say whaaaaaaat?

Yep, that's right people.
I bought a new doll.

Yeah. I wasn't expecting it, and I don't think you guys were either, but here she is! So you might be wondering what her name is. (or maybe you're not. I'm going to tell you anyway.) Annika Rose! She's number 26, and she's GORGEOUS. (her hair is amazing!!)

~Charlotte x

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Airplane Thoughts

Why is this line so long? It's Saturday.
Are we even in the right line?
Aw, that little girl is carrying a baby doll.
We heard about the laptops the first seventeen times.
Wait, so does my phone stay in my bag or…
Why did I wear converse lace-ups? I knew I'd have to take off my shoes.
I know you are judging my packing skills right now, Mr. Security Guard.
Can I walk through now?
How about now?
Okay I'm going.
Nevermind I'll wait some more.
Thank you. Finally.
k now that's over.
Let's find the gate.
I still have an hour to kill.
I'm hungry.
I forgot snacks.
Well then. Guess I'll find something to eat.
That looks gross.
That looks gross.
That looks gross.
A sandwich in a plastic baggie? What has this world come to?
Finally, a decent looking store.
Ooh. Muffins.
I like muffins.
I must have a muffin.
Dude, don't you dare take the last muffin -
There are no waiting area seats.
Fine. I'll just sit on my suitcase.
This is more comfy anyway.
Are we boarding yet?
How about now?
Call my zone.
Please call my zone.
Row fourteen
Row fourteen.
Where is row fourteen?
Oh my gosh how hard is it to put your suitcase in an overhead bin?
Here we go.
Darn it. I have the middle seat.
I wonder who'll be sitting next to me.
3…2…1…BLAST OFF!!
"You may now use cellular devices."
Perfect. Let's just open instagram and…
Oh no.
My phone's dead.
Fine. I'll just read the instruction manual.
This is more entertaining anyway.
I really have to use the bathroom but the guy sitting next to me is asleep.
Maybe if I just carefully tiptoed over…
Nah this isn't going to work.
I really should have brought gum.
Or tic tacs.
Or candy.
Or any food.
I'll just take a nap until we land.
Where am I?
Oh right. Airplane.
Are we landing?


Hey everyone! I'm traveling for spring break, and I thought this would be a fun idea. :) I hope you enjoyed, and have a fabulous day.
xx Charlotte

Sunday, February 28, 2016


red glossy smiles
long silky hair
short, modern clothes
so this is beauty. 

but what if our eyes
saw souls 
instead of #goals? 

what a different image 
we'd have of beauty. 


I don't know if I like it or not, but it's been a while since I've posted a piece of writing on here! I've seen how girls (and boys, too!) have tried to meet someone else's standards of beauty, and it's sad how upset people get over not being able to do so. 
I hope you all have a lovely Sunday. Eat some cake for me. 
xx Charlotte 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

I sewed?!

I sewed an outfit?! For a doll?! WITH NO PATTERN?! 
Yes, yes I did. 
I'm actually quite proud of the result. I'm an amateur sewer (or is it seamstress? idk). 
So here are two pictures. That are kind of blurry. 
*whispers* my name's blurryface and I care what you think.  
this song has been stuck in my head for hours someone send help 

I think that's all I have to say. OH! I got an instagram! (@sevenlittledaisies) This actually happened 2 months ago but I'm only just announcing it. Oops. 

Anyways, I love you all and have a fantastic long weekend. <3 
xx Charlotte

Sunday, February 7, 2016

one year.

One year ago I created SevenLittleDaisies on February 7th, 2015. 

On this journey I've created some pretty cool memories. 
I've improved so much as a photographer. 
And best of all, I've made so many great friends. 

And isn't that what's important in life? Your family, your friends? 
I'd like to especially thank Emma, Ellie, Kelsi, and Polka Dot Bee. You guys are so freaking amazing and have truly made this first year special for me in the blogging world. 

Thank everyone, really, for your endless support. You are the reason I'm still here. <33

xx Charlotte

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

a promise is a promise :)

You took a polaroid of us
Then discovered
The rest of the world was in black and white
But we were in screaming color
(Out of the woods by Taylor Swift)

So I know I haven't been all that great a blogger this past year, I posted like twice every month. Anyways, I realized I haven't really been a great follower either. I'm so sorry I rarely read/comment on people's posts anymore :/ I promise I'm going to try and do better this year, but if I don't, chances are, it's not because I hated the post, it's because I have no time whatsoever. 

So I really, really want to do another photo story as I haven't done one in literally forever, but I'm out of ideas. Please comment down some suggestions below! :) 

Monday, January 18, 2016

2016 is here.

*adele voice*
it's me.

I haven't posted in a while. I actually have a reason this time though. I accidentally downloaded a virus onto my computer (I thought I was downloading adobe flash) which locked all my browsers. Luckily I was able to fix it, but only until recently.

…happy (very, very late) new year!!
2015 went by fast. There were some good times, and there were some bad times. But overall, I think it was a pretty fabulous year.

My 2016 resolution is to be more active on this blog. I miss blogging. I really do.
I'm going to TRY to stick to a schedule. TRY to post every weekend or so. Note that I said TRY in all caps. No promises ;)

So to start that off, I took some photos!

tada!! Not my best, not my worst, but I enjoyed taking them :) 

I want to thank you all for sticking with me this past year. You really made this year shine. Every comment, even if it took you six seconds to type, means the world to me. Even if all you wrote was "cute!" or "nice pictures!" or whatever, it makes me smile from ear to ear. Thank you all so much for a wonderful 2015. <3 
